A Strange Kind of Writing/A Crystal Clear Message | Revelation 7:9-17 | Revelation - Jesus Wins | Graham Sayer | 2025-02-08 | Listen |
The Race we're Running | Hebrews 12:1-3, Matthew 6:19-34 | Vision Sunday | Graham Sayer | 2025-02-01 | Listen |
He Always Lives to Intercede | Hebrews 7:23-28 | January guest Speakers | Nathanael Remminga | 2025-01-26 | Listen |
Be Ready for Jesus | Matthew 24:36-25:13 | Summer Parables Series | Matt King | 2025-01-12 | Listen |
Parable of the Wedding Banquet | Matthew 22:1-14 | | Sam Morse | 2025-01-05 | Listen |
The Woman and the Dragon | Revelation 12 | Guest Talks | Keith Vander Schoor | 2024-12-29 | Listen |
Trade your panic for peace | Luke 2:25-35 | | Graham Sayer | 2024-12-25 | Listen |
Trade Your Gloom for Glory | Luke 2:8-16 | | Paul Kupke | 2024-12-22 | Listen |
Trade Your Heartbreak for Hope | Luke 1:57-79 | | Graham Sayer | 2024-12-15 | Listen |
Trading Weariness for Wonder | Luke 1:26-55 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2024-12-07 | Listen |
Extraordinary Revelation | Mark 8:22-33 | The Doctrine of Revelation - How God Reveals Himself | Graham Sayer | 2024-12-01 | Listen |
Mercy: God's Heart for the Marginalised | Luke 5:27-32; 7:33-50 | Lord's Supper | Paul Kupke | 2024-11-24 | Listen |
Extra Special Revelation | John 1:1-14; Hebrews 1:1-3 | 1 John: Authentic | Graham Sayer | 2024-11-17 | Listen |
Special Revelation | Psalm 19:7-14; 2 Timothy 3:1-17 | The Doctrine of Revelation - How God Reveals Himself | Paul Kupke | 2024-11-10 | Listen |
Give Yourself to This | Psalm 78:1-8; Romans 12:1-2 | Next Generation NOW | Graham Sayer | 2024-11-03 | Listen |
Natural Revelation - God's Fingerprints are Everywhere | Psalm 19:1-6, Romans 1:20 | The Doctrine of Revelation - How God Reveals Himself | Graham Sayer | 2024-10-27 | Listen |
Confidence for the Journey | 1 John 5:13-21 | 1 John: Authentic | Paul Kupke | 2024-10-20 | Listen |
Life as God's Child | 1 John 5:1-12 | 1 John: Authentic | Paul Kupke | 2024-10-12 | Listen |
Complete Love | 1 John 4:7-21 | 1 John: Authentic | Graham Sayer | 2024-10-06 | Listen |
The Spirit of God | 1 John 4:1-6 | 1 John: Authentic | Paul Kupke | 2024-09-29 | Listen |
What We Learn from the Kids | Matthew 21:12-17 | Next Generation NOW | Graham Sayer | 2024-09-22 | Listen |
Follow Me | John 21:15-25 | Next Generation NOW | Paul Kupke | 2024-09-14 | Listen |
We Should Love One Another | 1 John 3:11-24 | 1 John: Authentic | Graham Sayer | 2024-09-08 | Listen |
Family Resemblance | 1 John 2:28-3:10 | 1 John: Authentic | Paul Kupke | 2024-09-01 | Listen |
Anti-antichrist | 1 John 2:18-27 | 1 John: Authentic | Graham Sayer | 2024-08-25 | Listen |
Sings for the Journey | 1 John 2:3-17 | 1 John: Authentic | Paul Kupke | 2024-08-18 | Listen |
How Sinful is Sin? | 1 John 1:5-2:2 | 1 John: Authentic | Clinton Berends | 2024-08-11 | Listen |
The Eyewitness | 1 John 1:1-4 | | Paul Kupke | 2024-08-04 | Listen |
Love God, and Love Those God Loves | Luke 15:25-16:15 | Lord's Supper | Matt King | 2024-07-28 | Listen |
God Seeks True Worshippers | Ezekiel 43:1-7a | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Brian Vaatstra | 2024-07-21 | Listen |
The Lord is There! | Ezekiel 40:1-5; 43:1-12; 47:1-2; 48:30-35 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Brian Vaatstra | 2024-07-14 | Listen |
The Glory of Gog vs the Glory of God | Ezekiel 39 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Brian Vaatsra | 2024-07-07 | Listen |
Coming to Life | Ezekiel 37 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Brian Vaatstra | 2024-06-30 | Listen |
A New Heart | Ezekiel 36 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Marty Wierenga | 2024-06-23 | Listen |
The Lord of all the Earth | Genesis 12:1-3, Ezekiel 28 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Paul Kupke | 2024-06-16 | Listen |
A Grief Observed | Ezekiel 24 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Paul Kupke | 2024-06-09 | Listen |
More Than Conquerors | Romans 8:31-39 | | Oscar White | 2024-06-02 | Listen |
God's Glory Goes | Ezekiel 10 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Graham Sayer | 2024-05-26 | Listen |
Take Heart, I have Overcome the World | John 16:33-17:19 | Persecuted Church | Paul Kupke | 2024-05-19 | Listen |
A Watchman and his Warning | Ezekiel 3:16-27 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Paul Kupke | 2024-05-12 | Listen |
A Vision of God | Ezekiel 1 | Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh | Graham Sayer | 2024-05-05 | Listen |
The World We All Want | Revelation 21:1-8, 22-27 | The Big Story - Creation to New Creation | Graham Sayer | 2024-04-28 | Listen |
The Church | Acts 1:1-11, 2:1-4 | The Big Story - Creation to New Creation | Paul Kupke | 2024-04-21 | Listen |
Exile and Excitement | Jeremiah 29:4-14 | The Big Story - Creation to New Creation | Graham Sayer | 2024-04-07 | Listen |
Very Large Easter Egg + Very Empty Tomb | Matthew 28:1-10 | Easter Services | Graham Sayer | 2024-03-31 | Listen |
The King for All Generations | Acts 2:22-41 | | Paul Kupke | 2024-03-24 | Listen |
God's Heart for the Lost | Luke 15 | Mercy - God's Heart for Us All | Graham Sayer | 2024-03-17 | Listen |
Judges, Kings, and Prophets | 1 Samuel 8, 2 Samuel 7:8-16 | The Big Story - Creation to New Creation | Paul Kupke | 2024-03-10 | Listen |
Talk 3 - Church and Weakness | 2 Corinthians 11:16-12:10 | Church Camp 2024 - Gathered Together | Karl Deenick | 2024-03-03 | Listen |
Getting Organised for Life – Wisdom of Work and Rest | | Church Camp 2024 - Gathered Together | Karl Deenick | 2024-03-02 | Listen |
Talk 2 - Back to Basics | Mark 12:28-34 & Matthew 28:16-20 | Church Camp 2024 - Gathered Together | Karl Deenick | 2024-03-02 | Listen |
Talk 1 - What is the Church | Hebrews 12:18-29 & Ephesians 2:11-22 | Church Camp 2024 - Gathered Together | Karl Deenick | 2024-03-01 | Listen |
Slavery, Salvation, and the Promised Land | Exodus 5:22-6:10; 34:1-9 | The Big Story - Creation to New Creation | Paul Kupke | 2024-02-25 | Listen |
Creation, Fall, and Promise | Hebrews 11:1-3, John 1:1-5, Genesis 12:1-4a | The Big Story - Creation to New Creation | Graham Sayer | 2024-02-17 | Listen |
One Big Story | Luke 24:44-49 & John 5:37-40 | The Big Story - Creation to New Creation | Paul Kupke | 2024-02-11 | Listen |
We Pray Because We Believe | Mark 9:2-29 | | Graham Sayer | 2024-02-04 | Listen |
The Secret of Conetentment | Philippians 4:10-13 | January guest Speakers | Sam Morse | 2024-01-27 | Listen |
Sending and being sent | Philippians 2:1-11, 19-30 | Lord's Supper | Paul Kupke | 2024-01-20 | Listen |
Does a good law lead to a good life? | Jeremiah 31:27-34, Romans 7 | January guest Speakers | Bernie Cane | 2024-01-14 | Listen |
The battle of our lives | Psalm 73 | Psalms | Matt King | 2024-01-07 | Listen |
Delight in God's Law | Psalm 1 | Psalms | Chris Shannon | 2023-12-31 | Listen |
Introducing Jesus | Matthew 1:18-25 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2023-12-25 | Listen |
Christmas Eve: Lord at Birth | All | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2023-12-24 | Listen |
Introducing Jesus: Messiah | Matthew 2:1-12 & Micah | Introducing Jesus | Graham Sayer | 2023-12-17 | Listen |
Introducing Jesus: God With Us | Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25 | Introducing Jesus | Chris Shannon | 2023-12-10 | Listen |
Making the most of 1 Corinthians | 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, 16:14 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Graham Sayer | 2023-12-03 | Listen |
Partners in the Gospel | 1 Corinthians 16 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Paul Kupke | 2023-11-26 | Listen |
Resurrection is Essential | 1 Corinthians 15 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Paul Kupke | 2023-11-19 | Listen |
God's Good Order | 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Graham Sayer | 2023-11-12 | Listen |
The Church Family Meal | 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Chris Shannon | 2023-11-05 | Listen |
Edification Exhortation | 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Paul Kupke | 2023-10-29 | Listen |
The Most Excellent Way | 1 Corinthians 12-13 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Graham Sayer | 2023-10-22 | Listen |
Following Jesus is worth it! | Ruth 4 | Ruth | Chris Shannon | 2023-10-15 | Listen |
God's Sovereignty gives us hope | Ruth 3 | Ruth | Chris Shannon | 2023-10-08 | Listen |
God Knows Best | Ruth 2 | Ruth | Chris Shannon | 2023-10-01 | Listen |
Examine Yourselves | 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 | Lord's Supper | Graham Sayer | 2023-09-24 | Listen |
God's Loving-Kindness | Ruth 1 | Ruth | Chris Shannon | 2023-09-17 | Listen |
God in the Flesh! | John 1:14 | Isn't Jesus Brilliant! | Paul Kupke | 2023-09-10 | Listen |
The Humble Servant | Philippians 2:5-11 | Isn't Jesus Brilliant! | Paul Kupke | 2023-09-03 | Listen |
Jesus has conquered Death! | Hebrews 2:5-9 & 14-15 | Isn't Jesus Brilliant! | Chris Shannon | 2023-08-27 | Listen |
Isn't Jesus brilliant | 2 Corinthians 8:9 | Isn't Jesus Brilliant! | Graham Sayer | 2023-08-20 | Listen |
Incarnation: So What | Romans 5:12-19, Hebrews 4:14-16 | The Incarnation | Paul Kupke | 2023-08-13 | Listen |
Incarnation:The Big Deal | Hebrews 2:14-17 | The Incarnation | Paul Kupke | 2023-08-06 | Listen |
The Big Reveal | John 1:1-14 | The Incarnation | Graham Sayer | 2023-07-30 | Listen |
Testing Times, Then and Now | 1 Corinthians 10:1-14 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Graham Sayer | 2023-07-23 | Listen |
Lord's Supper: Remembering the Lord | 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 | Lord's Supper | Paul Kupke | 2023-07-16 | Listen |
Winning people for Jesus! | 1 Corinthians 9 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Chris Shannon | 2023-07-09 | Listen |
Puffed up or Built up? | 1 Corinthians 8, 10:14-22 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Paul Kupke | 2023-07-02 | Listen |
Living Out Your Calling | 1 Corinthians 7 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Graham Sayer | 2023-06-25 | Listen |
A New Way of Life | 1 Corinthians 6 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Chris Shannon | 2023-06-18 | Listen |
How can the church get it so wrong? | 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Graham Sayer | 2023-06-11 | Listen |
Servants of Christ | 1 Corinthians 3:1 - 4:7 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Paul Kupke | 2023-06-04 | Listen |
Blessed are the Persecuted | Matthew 5:1-12 | | Paul Kupke | 2023-05-28 | Listen |
We Have Received the Mind of Christ | 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Chris Shannon | 2023-05-21 | Listen |
Wisdom and Power for the Church | 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Graham Sayer | 2023-05-14 | Listen |
Divided Church, Undivided Christ | 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Paul Kupke | 2023-05-07 | Listen |
The Church's God is Faithful | 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 | 1 Corinthians - Love the Church | Graham Sayer | 2023-04-30 | Listen |
Grace-full Conversation | Colossians 4:6 | Making the most of every opportunity | Yi He | 2023-04-23 | Listen |
Making the most of every opportunity - Hospitality | Luke 10:25-37 Colossians 4:5 | Making the most of every opportunity | Graham Sayer | 2023-04-16 | Listen |
The Guard's Story | Mathew 27:57-66 & 28:1-15 | Easter Services | Graham Sayer | 2023-04-09 | Listen |
Cries in the Darkness | Mark 15 | Easter Services | Graham Sayer & Paul Kupke | 2023-04-07 | Listen |
Making the Most of the Lord's Supper: Unity | 1 Corinthians 10:15-17, 11:17-22 | Making the most of every opportunity | Paul Kupke | 2023-04-02 | Listen |
Be Watchful! | Colossians 4:2-6 | Making the most of every opportunity | Chris Shannon | 2023-03-26 | Listen |
Praying for opportunities | Colossians 4:2-6 | Making the most of every opportunity | Graham Sayer | 2023-03-19 | Listen |
A God of Compassion | Jonah 4 | Jonah | Paul Kupke | 2023-03-12 | Listen |
Being creative with what God gives us | Luke 16:1-15 | Guest Talks | Aaron Johnstone | 2023-03-05 | Listen |
A God Who Saves | Jonah 3 | Jonah | Chris Shannon | 2023-02-26 | Listen |
Salvation comes from the Lord | Jonah 2 | Jonah | Paul Kupke | 2023-02-19 | Listen |
Nope | Jonah 1 | Jonah | Graham Sayer | 2023-02-12 | Listen |
Making the Most of Every Opportunity | Ephesians 5:15-20 | Vision Sunday | Graham Sayer | 2023-02-05 | Listen |
The Growing Seed | Mark 4:26-29 | Short Stories - Big Impact | Yi He | 2023-01-29 | Listen |
The Parable of the Net | Matthew 13:47-50 | Short Stories - Big Impact | Sam Morse | 2023-01-22 | Listen |
The Value of the Kingdom of Heaven | Matthew 13:44 | Short Stories - Big Impact | Martin Wierenga | 2023-01-15 | Listen |
The Lost Sheep | Luke 15:1-7 | Short Stories - Big Impact | Dave Matthews | 2023-01-08 | Listen |
God's Kingdom Will Grow | 2 Samuel 7:4-17 & Mark 4:30-34 | Short Stories - Big Impact | Matt King | 2023-01-01 | Listen |
My Eyes Have Seen the Savior | Luke 2:22-38 | Seeing the Saviour | Graham Sayer | 2022-12-25 | Listen |
Seeing the Saviour: Magi Worshippers | Various | Christmas | Unknown Magi | 2022-12-18 | Listen |
Herod: This Saviour is a King | Matthew 2:1-18 | Christmas | Graham Sayer | 2022-12-11 | Listen |
Surprised Shepherds | Luke 2:1-21 | Seeing the Saviour | Paul Kupke | 2022-12-04 | Listen |
We have Conquered by Christ's Blood | Genesis 1:1-15; Revelation 12 | | Chris Shannon | 2022-11-27 | Listen |
The Trinity and ALL People | 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 | The Trinity | Graham Sayer | 2022-11-20 | Listen |
Trinity and Mission | Romans 8:12-17, Matthew 28:16-20 | The Trinity | Paul Kupke | 2022-11-13 | Listen |
Trinity and Worship | John 17:20-26 | The Trinity | Paul Kupke | 2022-11-06 | Listen |
The Trinity and Prayer | Matthew 6:5-13 | The Trinity | Graham Sayer | 2022-10-30 | Listen |
The Sublime Truth and Supreme Treasure of Knowing the God Who is Trinity | John 16:12-15, Matthew 28:16-20 | The Trinity | Graham Sayer | 2022-10-23 | Listen |
Be careful how you listen | Luke 8:1-21 | Salt and Light | Matt King | 2022-10-16 | Listen |
If Jesus is Serious... | Matthew 7:21-29 | Salt and Light | Graham Sayer | 2022-10-09 | Listen |
Gender Identity and Jesus | Genesis 1:26-31; Luke 19:1-10 | Salt and Light | Paul Kupke | 2022-10-02 | Listen |
God's View of Gender | Genesis 1:26-31, Matthew 19:1-21 | Salt and Light | Paul Kupke | 2022-09-25 | Listen |
Judge Like Jesus | Matthew 7:1-6 | Salt and Light | Yi He | 2022-09-18 | Listen |
Worn down by worry | Matthew 6:25-34 | Salt and Light | Paul Kupke | 2022-09-11 | Listen |
A Tale of Two Masters | Matthew 6:19-24 | Salt and Light | Graham Sayer | 2022-09-04 | Listen |
How We View Issues | 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 | Lord's Supper | Graham Sayer | 2022-08-28 | Listen |
The Secret Viewer | Matthew 6:1-18 | Salt and Light | Paul Kupke | 2022-08-21 | Listen |
A Life of Love | | Salt and Light | Graham Sayer | 2022-08-14 | Listen |
#Salt & Light | Matthew 5:13-16 | Salt and Light | Graham Sayer | 2022-08-07 | Listen |
#Blessed | Matthew 5:1-12 | Salt and Light | Paul Kupke | 2022-07-31 | Listen |
The Mission Remains | 1 Chronicles | Guest Talks | Samuel Green | 2022-07-24 | Listen |
Prayer Warriors | Ephesians 6:10-24 | Ephesians | Graham Sayer | 2022-07-10 | Listen |
Reverence for Christ | Ephesians 5:21-6:9 | Ephesians | Paul Kupke | 2022-07-03 | Listen |
Be what you are | Ephesians 4:17-5:20 | Ephesians | Graham Sayer | 2022-06-26 | Listen |
The Mature body of Christ | Ephesians 4:1-16 | Ephesians | Paul Kupke | 2022-06-19 | Listen |
Powerful Prayer | Ephesians 3:14-21 | Ephesians | Graham Sayer | 2022-06-12 | Listen |
The Difference God's Love Makes | 2 Timothy 1:6-18 | Lord's Supper | Paul Kupke | 2022-06-05 | Listen |
A Mystery Revealed | Ephesians 3:1-13 | Ephesians | Paul Kupke | 2022-05-29 | Listen |
A New Humanity One in Christ | Ephesians 2:11-22 | Ephesians | Graham Sayer | 2022-05-22 | Listen |
Who We Are in Christ | Ephesians 2:1-10 | Ephesians | Graham Sayer | 2022-05-15 | Listen |
The Supreme Reign of Christ | Ephesians 1 | Ephesians | Paul Kupke | 2022-05-08 | Listen |
Praise the Lord | Psalm 147 | Psalms | Paul Kupke | 2022-05-01 | Listen |
The Coronation of the Son of God | Psalm 2 | Psalms | Yi He | 2022-04-24 | Listen |
First Fruits! | Mark 15:42-16:8 | Easter Services | Graham Sayer | 2022-04-17 | Listen |
How We View Ourselves | Romans 5"1-11 | Lord's Supper | Paul Kupke | 2022-04-10 | Listen |
The City of God | Psalm 87 | Psalms | Paul Kupke | 2022-04-03 | Listen |
Not Shaken, but Stirred | Psalm 16; Acts 13:32-39 | Psalms | Graham Sayer | 2022-03-27 | Listen |
A Prayer of Confidence | Psalm 91 & Luke 4:1-13 | Psalms | Paul Kupke | 2022-03-20 | Listen |
In the Darkness | Psalm 88 | Psalms | Graham | 2022-03-13 | Listen |
Is God For Us? | Psalm 44 | Psalms | Graham Sayer | 2022-03-06 | Listen |
His Love Endures Forever | Psalm 136 | Psalms | Paul Kupke | 2022-02-27 | Listen |
God's Love Changes How We View God | Isaiah 40 | Lord's Supper | Graham Sayer | 2022-02-20 | Listen |
The King of Glory | Psalm 24 | Psalms | Paul Kupke | 2022-02-13 | Listen |
Passing on the good news of Jesus | 2 Timothy 1:1-14 | | Graham Sayer | 2022-02-06 | Listen |
Mature Christianity | Philippians 3:15-21 | Philippians | Aidan Vos | 2022-01-30 | Listen |
Christ as our Goal | Philippians 3:1-14 | Philippians | Martin Wierenga | 2022-01-23 | Listen |
Living with a Christlike attitude | Philippians 2:1-11 | Philippians | Sam Morse | 2022-01-16 | Listen |
Anxiety, Prayer and Peace | Philippian 4:4-7 | Philippians | Dave Matthews | 2022-01-09 | Listen |
Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel in 2022 | Philippians 1 | Philippians | Matt King | 2022-01-02 | Listen |
Love and Life | Matthew 22v34-40, Matthew 28v16-20 | | Graham Sayer | 2021-12-26 | Listen |
Life is Here! | John 1:1-5 | Christmas | Graham Sayer | 2021-12-25 | Listen |
Good News of Joy | Luke 2:8-12 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2021-12-19 | Listen |
Peace has come | Isaiah 9:6-7; Colossians 1:19-20 | Christmas | Graham Sayer | 2021-12-12 | Listen |
Hope is Born | Isaiah 42:1-4 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2021-12-05 | Listen |
The Gift of Love | 1 John 4:9-10, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, John 3:16 | Christmas | Graham Sayer | 2021-11-28 | Listen |
Until He comes....Membership | John 13:31-36 | Lord's Supper M's | Paul Kupke | 2021-11-21 | Listen |
Sin & Death, Grace & Hope | Genesis 3:1-12 & Romans 5:12-19 | | Graham Sayer | 2021-11-14 | Listen |
Male and Female | Genesis 1:27 & 2:18-25 | In The Beginning: The Doctrine of Creation | Paul Kupke | 2021-11-07 | Listen |
Purpose | Genesis 1:26-31; 2:8-18 | In The Beginning: The Doctrine of Creation | Graham Sayer | 2021-10-31 | Listen |
Image of God | Genesis 1:26-31; James 3:9-12 | In The Beginning: The Doctrine of Creation | Paul Kupke | 2021-10-24 | Listen |
Creation | Genesis 1:1-2:3 | | Graham Sayer | 2021-10-17 | Listen |
Generous Lord | Deut 5:19, 21 Roamns 7:4-11 | 10 Words | Graham Sayer | 2021-10-10 | Listen |
Lord of Truth | Deut 5v20, john 8v31-47 | 10 Words | Paul Kupke | 2021-10-03 | Listen |
Love That Serves | John 13:1-17 | Lord's Supper M's | Graham Sayer | 2021-09-26 | Listen |
Lord of Faithfulness | Deuteronomy 5:18; Matthew 5:27-32 | 10 Words | Paul Kupke | 2021-09-19 | Listen |
Lord of Life | Deuteronomy 5:17, Matthew 5:21-26 | 10 Words | Graham Sayer | 2021-09-12 | Listen |
The Lord of Family | Deuteronomy 5:16 & Ephesians 6:1-3 | 10 Words | Paul Kupke | 2021-09-05 | Listen |
Lord of Blessing | Deut 5:12-15, Hebrews 4:1-13 | 10 Words | Graham Sayer | 2021-08-29 | Listen |
The name of the Lord | Deut 5:11, Exodus 34:5-7, Phil 2:5-11 | 10 Words | Paul Kupke | 2021-08-22 | Listen |
Give Yourself to This | Mark 8:27-38 | | Graham Sayer | 2021-08-15 | Listen |
The Image of the Invisible God | Deuteronomy 5:6-10 & Colossians 1:15-20 | 10 Words | Graham Sayer | 2021-08-08 | Listen |
Until He Comes... Mission | Matthew 2816-20 | Lord's Supper M's | Paul Kupke | 2021-08-01 | Listen |
Only One God | Deuteronomy 5:1-7, Mark 12:28-32 | 10 Words | Graham Sayer | 2021-07-25 | Listen |
The Lordship of Christ & A Church on Mission | Acts 1:7-8, 1 Thessalonians 1 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2021-07-18 | Listen |
A fond farewell | acts 20:13-38 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2021-07-11 | Listen |
Determined and Drowsy | Acts 20:1-12 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2021-07-04 | Listen |
Aquilla,Priscilla, Apollos...and Us | Act 18 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2021-06-20 | Listen |
The Gospel Vs Pagan Culture | Acts 17:16-34 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2021-06-13 | Listen |
Until He Comes... grow to maturity | Ephesians 4:1-16 | | Graham Sayer | 2021-06-06 | Listen |
Prison and Freedom | Acts 16:11-40 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2021-05-30 | Listen |
We are not those who shrink back | Hebrews 10:32-39 | | Paul Kupke | 2021-05-23 | Listen |
Gospel Consequences | Acts 15:1-21, 36-41 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2021-05-16 | Listen |
Gospel Persistence | Acts 14 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2021-05-09 | Listen |
Humanity is United in Evil | Roamns 1:16-32 | | Matt King | 2021-05-02 | Listen |
What's Next | Acts 13:1-12&44-52 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2021-04-25 | Listen |
Reconciled to God | 2 Corinthians 5v11-21 | | Sam Morse | 2021-04-18 | Listen |
Until He Comes | 1 Peter 2:9-10 | Lord's Supper M's | Paul Kupke | 2021-04-11 | Listen |
I AM the resurrection and the life | John 11:1-26 | I AM | Graham Sayer | 2021-04-04 | Listen |
I AM the Good Shepherd | John 10-1-21 | I AM | Paul Kupke | 2021-03-28 | Listen |
I AM The True Vine | John 15:1-17 | I AM | Graham Sayer | 2021-03-21 | Listen |
I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life | John 14:1-7 | I AM | Paul Kupke | 2021-03-14 | Listen |
I AM the light of the world | John 1:1-13, 8:12 | I AM | Graham Sayer | 2021-03-07 | Listen |
I AM the bread of life | John 6:25-59 | I AM | Paul Kupke | 2021-02-28 | Listen |
I Am - Jesus in His own words #1 | John 8:48-59 | | Graham Sayer | 2021-02-21 | Listen |
Until He Comes | Luke 19:11-26 | | Paul Kupke | 2021-02-14 | Listen |
Vision Followup - Open Your Ears | Mark 4:1-34 | | Graham Sayer | 2021-02-07 | Listen |
Vision Sunday - Open Your Eyes | John 4:1-42 | Vision Sunday | Graham Sayer | 2021-01-31 | Listen |
First Love | Revelation 1:1-2:7 | | Matt King | 2021-01-24 | Listen |
When God Rejoices | Luke 15 | | Dave Matthews | 2021-01-17 | Listen |
Who is Worthy of Forgiveness | Jonah 3:10-4:11 | | Marty Wierenga | 2021-01-10 | Listen |
The Certain Reign of God's King | Psalm 2 | | Sam Morse | 2021-01-03 | Listen |
A Year to Remember, A God to Remember | Deuteronomy 8 | | Paul Kupke | 2020-12-27 | Listen |
Hope in the Darkness | Isaiah 9:1-7 | | Paul Kupke | 2020-12-20 | Listen |
The Rich | Mark 10:17-27 | Meeting Jesus | Paul Kupke | 2020-12-13 | Listen |
Meeting Jesus - The Desperate | Mark 5:21-43 | Meeting Jesus | Graham Sayer | 2020-12-06 | Listen |
Meeting Jesus - The Outcast | Mark 1:40-45 | Meeting Jesus | Paul Kupke | 2020-11-29 | Listen |
Meeting Jesus - The Rejected | John 4:4-30; 39-42 | Meeting Jesus | Graham Sayer | 2020-11-22 | Listen |
Meeting Jesus - The Enquirer | John 3:1-21 | Meeting Jesus | Paul Kupke | 2020-11-15 | Listen |
What count is a New Creation | Galatians 6:11-18 | No other Gospel | Graham Sayer | 2020-11-08 | Listen |
No other gospel - The gospel and Others | Galatians 6:1-10 | No other Gospel | Paul Kupke | 2020-11-01 | Listen |
No other gospel - keep in step with the spirit | Galatians 5:13-26 | No other Gospel | Graham Sayer | 2020-10-25 | Listen |
Don't lose your freedom | Galatians 5:1-12 | No other Gospel | Paul Kupke | 2020-10-18 | Listen |
So Much Work! So Few Workers! | Matthew 9:35-38 | | Phil Ninness | 2020-10-11 | Listen |
Is Jesus Your Lord? | Matthew 7:21-29 | | Graham Sayer | 2020-10-04 | Listen |
Groaning or Growing Through COVID | Matthew 12:38-45 | | Graham Sayer | 2020-09-27 | Listen |
A Tale of Two Sons | Galatians 4:21-31 | No other Gospel | Paul Kupke | 2020-09-20 | Listen |
The Cross and Community | Ephesians 2:11-22 | | Paul Kupke | 2020-09-13 | Listen |
No Longer Slaves | Galatians 3:13- 4:7 | No other Gospel | Graham Sayer | 2020-09-06 | Listen |
Bewitched or Believing | Galatians 3:1-22 | No other Gospel | Graham Sayer | 2020-08-30 | Listen |
Galatians - When Grace sets Aside | Galatians 2:11-21 | No other Gospel | Paul Kupke | 2020-08-23 | Listen |
No other Gospel - It is from God and it is for everyone! | Galatians 1:11-2:10 | No other Gospel | Graham Sayer | 2020-08-16 | Listen |
No other Gospel | Galatians 1:1-10 | | Graham Sayer | 2020-08-09 | Listen |
Rescue | Galatians 1:1-5 | No other Gospel | Graham Sayer | 2020-08-02 | Listen |
The Cross and Maturity | Ephesians 4:1-16 | Lord's Supper M's | Graham Sayer | 2020-07-26 | Listen |
Jesus' Final Prayer | John 17 | Praying Big | Paul Kupke | 2020-07-12 | Listen |
Filled to the measure with Christ | Ephesians 3:14-21 | Praying Big | Dave Matthews | 2020-07-05 | Listen |
Living in Babylon | Matthew 24:1-31 | No Plan B | Graham Sayer | 2020-06-28 | Listen |
Apologies, Due to technical difficulties the service was not recorded this week | - | | - | 2020-06-21 | Listen |
No Plan B - Answered Prayer and Promised Hope | Daniel 9:20-27 | | Paul Kupke | 2020-06-14 | Listen |
A Goat, a Ram, and a Very Bad Man | Daniel 8 | No Plan B | Paul Kupke | 2020-05-24 | Listen |
Coming with the clouds of heaven | Daniel 7 | No Plan B | Graham Sayer | 2020-05-17 | Listen |
God rules OK? | Daniel 4 | No Plan B | Graham Sayer | 2020-04-26 | Listen |
Burn, Bow or Believe | | No Plan B | Paul Kupke | 2020-04-19 | Listen |
The Good Shepherd | | Easter Services | Paul Kupke | 2020-04-12 | Listen |
A Sleepless King | Daniel 2:1-23 | No Plan B | Paul Kupke | 2020-03-23 | Listen |
Under Pressure | Daniel 1 | No Plan B | Graham Sayer | 2020-03-15 | Listen |
Getting Back to the Frontline | Matthew 16:13-27 | FRONTLINE – Life is War | Paul Kupke | 2020-03-08 | Listen |
Prayer and the End of the World | Revelation 8:1-5 | Church Camp 2020 | Brian Vaatstra | 2020-03-01 | Listen |
Praying Alone and Praying Together | | Church Camp 2020 | Brian Vaatstra | 2020-02-29 | Listen |
Early Believers Praying for the Kingdom | Acts 4:23-31 | Church Camp 2020 | Brian Vaatstra | 2020-02-29 | Listen |
Your Kingdom Come | Matthew 6:9-15 | Church Camp 2020 | Brian Vaatsra | 2020-02-28 | Listen |
Getting off the side-line | Matthew 5:1-16 | FRONTLINE – Life is War | Graham Sayer | 2020-02-23 | Listen |
Getting down to the bottom line | Ephesians 6:10-12 & Matthew 25:31-46 | FRONTLINE – Life is War | Graham Sayer | 2020-02-16 | Listen |
The Cross and Glory | Romans 11:33-12:2 | Lord's Supper M's | Paul Kupke | 2020-02-09 | Listen |
Apart from me you can do nothing | John 15:1-17 | Vision Sunday | Graham Sayer | 2020-02-02 | Listen |
Keep the watch! It is the LORD's command | Matthew25:1-13 | | Jan Knibbe | 2020-01-26 | Listen |
Worship the Lord | Joshua 24:14-15 | | Dave Matthews | 2020-01-19 | Listen |
God's Prosperity | Psalm 72 | | Martin Wierenga | 2020-01-12 | Listen |
Suffering and Injustice | Ecclesiastes 3 | | Aaron Johnstone | 2020-01-05 | Listen |
A Life Worth Living | Colossians 1:9-14 | | Matt King | 2019-12-29 | Listen |
Jesus' Family Tree | Matthew 1:1-25 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2019-12-25 | Listen |
The Promise Keeping God | Genesis 3:8-15, 22:15-18; Isaiah 9:2,6-7; Micah 5:2-4; Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-16; Matthew 2:1-11; John 1:1-14 | | Paul Kupke | 2019-12-22 | Listen |
Christmas Lights | John 1:1-9 | Christmas | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2019-12-15 | Listen |
Walking in the Light | 1 John 1:1-10 | | Graham Sayer | 2019-12-08 | Listen |
To the ends of the earth | Acts 15:25-13:3 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2019-12-01 | Listen |
Gospel Opposition | Acts 12:1-24 | Acts | Keith Vander Schoor | 2019-11-24 | Listen |
The 'Christian' Church | Acts 11:19-30 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2019-11-17 | Listen |
God's gift to you and to everyone! | Acts 11:1-18 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2019-11-10 | Listen |
The Positioning of Peter | Acts 9:32-43 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2019-11-03 | Listen |
Who wants to Grow | 2 Timothy 1:3-12 | | Graham Sayer | 2019-10-27 | Listen |
Saul and Christianity | Acts 9:1-31 | Acts | Martin Wierenga | 2019-10-20 | Listen |
A eunuch, a message and a messenger | Isiah 53:1-12 & Acts 8:26-40 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2019-10-13 | Listen |
The Great Power of God | Acts 8:1-25 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2019-10-06 | Listen |
On Mission - At What Cost? | Acts 6:8-7:1 & 7:51-8:1 | Acts | Dave Matthews | 2019-09-29 | Listen |
Gospel Priorities | Acts 6:1-7 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2019-09-22 | Listen |
Next Steps | Acts 2:36-47 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2019-09-15 | Listen |
Unstoppable! | Acts 5:12-42 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2019-09-08 | Listen |
Awesome On The Inside | Acts 4:32 - 5:11 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2019-09-01 | Listen |
Taking Opportunities | Acts 3:1-26 | Acts | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2019-08-25 | Listen |
The Birth of the Church | Acts 2:1-41 | Acts | Paul Kupke | 2019-08-18 | Listen |
SENT | Acts 1:1-26 | Acts | Graham Sayer | 2019-08-11 | Listen |
Is God Fair? | Psalm 73 | Wintervention | Paul Kupke | 2019-08-04 | Listen |
Is God Green | Genesis 1:26-31 & Romans 8:18-22 | Wintervention | Graham Sayer | 2019-07-28 | Listen |
Does God care if We Suffer? | Genesis 3:1-19 | Wintervention | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2019-07-21 | Listen |
Which 'god' is God? | John 14:1-7 | Wintervention | Paul Kupke | 2019-07-14 | Listen |
Nehemiah Wrap Up: Change is Coming! | 1 Corinthians 3:1-27 & Nehemiah 5:19 | Nehemiah | Graham Sayer | 2019-07-07 | Listen |
The need for revival | Nehemiah 13 | Nehemiah | Graham Sayer | 2019-06-30 | Listen |
The Results of Revival | Nehemiah 11:1-6, 12:27-47 | Nehemiah | Marty Wierenga | 2019-06-23 | Listen |
Recommitment | Nehemiah 9:38-10:1 & 10:28-39 | Nehemiah | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2019-06-16 | Listen |
Revival #8 - The good confession | Nehemiah 9:1-37 | Nehemiah | Graham Sayer | 2019-06-09 | Listen |
What did you expect? Friendship | John 15:1-17 | | Graham Sayer | 2019-06-02 | Listen |
What did you expect? Workplace | 1 Peter 2:11-25 | | Paul Kupke | 2019-05-26 | Listen |
What did you expect? Parenting | Luke 15:11-32 | | Graham Sayer | 2019-05-19 | Listen |
What did you Expect? Marriage | Ephesians 5:15-33 | | Graham Sayer | 2019-05-12 | Listen |
Fellow Citizens | Ephesians 2:11-22 | | Paul Kupke | 2019-05-05 | Listen |
Hunger, Understanding, Joy | Nehemiah 8 | Nehemiah | Dave Matthews | 2019-04-28 | Listen |
The End of Death | Philippians 2:5-11 | Easter Services | Graham Sayer | 2019-04-21 | Listen |
The Start of Life | Luke 22:39-23:49 | Easter Services | Paul Kupke & Graham Sayer | 2019-04-19 | Listen |
Amen! Amen! The Story So Far... | Nehemiah 8:1-6 | Nehemiah | Graham Sayer | 2019-04-14 | Listen |
A whole new life | 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 | Easter Services | Paul Kupke | 2019-04-07 | Listen |
We're Going to need a Bigger Vision! | Nehemiah 6:15-7:5 | Nehemiah | Graham Sayer | 2019-03-31 | Listen |
Swap of your life! | 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 | | Graham Sayer | 2019-03-24 | Listen |
Walking in the fear of God | Nehemiah 5 | Nehemiah | Graham Sayer | 2019-03-17 | Listen |
Working for the God who Fights for Us | Nehemiah 3:1-12 & 4:1-9, 19-23 | Nehemiah | Paul Kupke | 2019-03-10 | Listen |
Session 3 - Greedy for God | Luke 19:11-27 | Guest Talks | Mike Raiter | 2019-03-03 | Listen |
Why We Sing | | Guest Talks | Mike Raiter | 2019-03-02 | Listen |
Session 2 - The Joy of Mission | Luke 10:1-24 | Guest Talks | Mike Raiter | 2019-03-02 | Listen |
Session 1 - No Turning Back | Luke 9:51-10:2 | Guest Talks | Mike Raiter | 2019-03-01 | Listen |
The God of Heaven will give us Success | Nehemiah 2:10-20 | Nehemiah | Graham Sayer | 2019-02-24 | Listen |
A Heart for Revival | Nehemiah 1:1-2:10 | Nehemiah | Graham Sayer | 2019-02-17 | Listen |
A Meal for Christians | Luke 22:7-30 | | Paul Kupke | 2019-02-10 | Listen |
On Mission Together with Jesus | Matthe 28:16-20 | Vision Sunday | Graham Sayer | 2019-02-03 | Listen |
Following God | 1 Peter 4:1-11 | | Marty Wierenga | 2019-01-27 | Listen |
Christ's Desperate Love for us | Ephesians 3:14-21 | | Jan Knibbe | 2019-01-20 | Listen |
Jesus will build His Church | Matthew 16:13-20 | | Matt King | 2019-01-13 | Listen |
Deliverance | Psalm 18:1-6, 16-19, 31-33, Mark 2:1-5 | | Dave Matthews | 2019-01-06 | Listen |
God's Heart for the lost | Jonah 3-4 | | Graham Sayer | 2018-12-30 | Listen |
Great Big Christmas Cracker | John 3:16-21 | Christmas | Graham Sayer | 2018-12-25 | Listen |
The Reason for Christmas | 1 Tim 1:15 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2018-12-23 | Listen |
Great Expectation | 1 Timothy 1:15-17; Hebrews 9:26-28; Matthew 24:36-51 | Advent | Graham Sayer | 2018-12-16 | Listen |
The Death of Death | 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 | | Graham Sayer | 2018-12-09 | Listen |
The Resurrection guarantees our Future | 1 Corinthians 15:20-34 | | Paul Kupke | 2018-12-02 | Listen |
Why is the Resurrection Important? | 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 | | Martin Wierenga | 2018-11-25 | Listen |
First things first....and Last | 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 | | Graham Sayer | 2018-11-18 | Listen |
True Freedom | Galatians 5:1-12 | | Dave Matthews | 2018-11-11 | Listen |
Contented Busyness | Ecclesiastes 3:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 | Crazy Busy | Paul Kupke | 2018-11-04 | Listen |
Contradictory Busy-ness | Mark 8:31-38 & Philippians 3:7-14 | Crazy Busy | Graham Sayer | 2018-10-28 | Listen |
Reformation Day | Proverbs 9 & 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 | | Pieter Tuit | 2018-10-28 | Listen |
Compulsive Busyness | Mark 1:32-39, Gen 11:1-9 | Crazy Busy | Paul Kupke | 2018-10-21 | Listen |
Choking on Busy-ness | Mark 4:1-20; Matthew 11:28-30 | Crazy Busy | Graham Sayer | 2018-10-14 | Listen |
Generous Worship | Exodus 35:4-29, Romans 12:1 | Exodus | Graham Sayer | 2018-10-07 | Listen |
God at the Centre | Exodus 40:16-38 | Exodus | Graham Sayer | 2018-09-30 | Listen |
The Dwelling Place of the King | Exodus 25:1-22 | Exodus | Paul Kupke | 2018-09-23 | Listen |
Show Me Your Gory | Exodus 33:7-34:10, 34:27-35 | Exodus | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2018-09-16 | Listen |
Sin and Mercy | Exodus 32:1-33:6 | Exodus | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2018-09-09 | Listen |
A Meal with God | Exodus 24 | Exodus | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2018-09-02 | Listen |
The Old and the New | Exodus 20 | Exodus | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2018-08-26 | Listen |
Rescued for Relationship | Exodus 19 | Exodus | Graham Sayer | 2018-08-19 | Listen |
Discipleship in the Desert | Exodus 16:1-20, 17:1-7 | Exodus | Paul Kupke | 2018-08-12 | Listen |
The Cross: Could I be truly accepted | Ephesians 1:3-8a, Romans 8:14-16 | The Cross | Paul Kupke | 2018-08-05 | Listen |
The Cross: How Free is my Freedom | Romans 6:19-23 | The Cross | Graham Sayer | 2018-07-29 | Listen |
Is Doing My Best Good Enough | Luke 18:9-14 & Romans 3:9-26 | The Cross | Paul Kupke | 2018-07-22 | Listen |
The Cross - Who Would Take A Bullet For Me | 1 John 4:9-10 & Romans 5:6-8 | The Cross | Graham Sayer | 2018-07-15 | Listen |
Dare to be Disciplined | 1 Timothy 3:14-16 & 6:20-21 | 1 Timothy | Graham Sayer | 2018-07-08 | Listen |
The Content of Contentment | 1 Timothy 6:3-21 | 1 Timothy | Paul Kupke | 2018-07-01 | Listen |
Looking after those who lead | 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2 | 1 Timothy | Paul Kupke | 2018-06-24 | Listen |
Happy Families! | 1 Timothy 5:1-16 | 1 Timothy | Graham Sayer | 2018-06-17 | Listen |
Battle for Godliness | 1 Timothy 4 | 1 Timothy | Graham Sayer | 2018-06-10 | Listen |
Fellowship With God | 1 John 1:1-4 | | Brian Vaatstra | 2018-06-03 | Listen |
Leadership in God's Household | 1 Timothy 3:1-13 | 1 Timothy | Paul Kupke | 2018-05-27 | Listen |
Men and Women in the Church | 1 Timothy 2:8-15 | 1 Timothy | Paul Kupke | 2018-05-20 | Listen |
The Gospel Is For Everyone -Even You | 1 Timothy 2:1-7 | 1 Timothy | Matt King | 2018-05-13 | Listen |
Timothy's Battle | 1 Timothy 1:3-20 | 1 Timothy | Paul Kupke | 2018-05-06 | Listen |
A Personal, but Public Letter | 1 Timothy 1:1-2, 3:14-16 | 1 Timothy | Paul Kupke | 2018-04-29 | Listen |
The God Worth Singing About | Exodus 15 | Exodus | Paul Kupke | 2018-04-22 | Listen |
Life-changing Atonement | Leviticus 16:1-22 | Guest Talks | Derek Brotherson | 2018-04-15 | Listen |
My Deliverer | Exodus 13-14 | Exodus | Ian Thomason | 2018-04-08 | Listen |
The Death of Death | Matthew 28:1-10; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26 | Easter Services | Paul Kupke | 2018-04-01 | Listen |
Passed Over | Exodus 12:1-13, 21-32; Matthew 27:45-56 | Exodus | Paul Kupke | 2018-03-30 | Listen |
Easter: A Newsworthy Event | 1 Crorinthians 15:1-6 | Easter Services | Paul Kupke | 2018-03-25 | Listen |
The God with no Rival | Exodus 7:1-7, 8:20-32; Matthew 28:16-20 | Exodus | Dave Matthews | 2018-03-18 | Listen |
Rescued for Relationship | Exodus 5:22-6:12 | Exodus | Paul Kupke | 2018-03-11 | Listen |
Jesus and Eternity | Revelation 21:1-5, 9-27, 22:1-5 | Guest Talks | Murray Capill | 2018-03-04 | Listen |
Jesus and Satan | Revelation 12 | Guest Talks | Murray Capill | 2018-03-03 | Listen |
Living a Grace-Paced Life | | Guest Talks | Murray Capill | 2018-03-03 | Listen |
Jesus and History | Revelation 6 | Guest Talks | Murray Capill | 2018-03-02 | Listen |
Does God Make Plan B's? | Exodus 4:1-17 | Exodus | Martin Wierenga | 2018-02-25 | Listen |
The God who Is | Exodus 3 & John 8:54-59 | Exodus | Paul Kupke | 2018-02-18 | Listen |
The God who Remembers | Exodus 1:1-14, 2:23-25 Hebrews 11:23-28 | Exodus | Paul Kupke | 2018-02-11 | Listen |
Living Deliberately | Mark 1:32-39; Colossians 1:22-29 | Vision Sunday | Paul Kupke | 2018-02-04 | Listen |
Faithfulness inspite of Fearfullness | Habakkuk 3:1-19 | | Ian Thomason | 2018-01-28 | Listen |
Don't Move! | 1 Peter 5:10-14 | Guest Talks | Graham Sayer | 2018-01-21 | Listen |
The End Times, Mocking | 2 Peter 3 | Guest Talks | Hans Kelder | 2018-01-14 | Listen |
Messy Church | 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 | Guest Talks | David Lynch | 2018-01-07 | Listen |
How Good is God! | Psalm 103 | Psalms | Matt King | 2017-12-31 | Listen |
Wise Men Still Seek Him | Matthew 1:1-12 | Christmas | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2017-12-25 | Listen |
The Story of the Saviour | Gen 3:8-15; Gen 22:15-18; Isaiah 9:2, 6-7; Micah 5:2-4; Luke 1:26-38; Luke 2:1-16; Matt 2:1-11; John 1:1-14 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2017-12-24 | Listen |
The Resurrection | Mark 16:1-8 | The Servant King | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2017-12-17 | Listen |
Deceptive Appearances | Mark 12:35-40 | Guest Talks | Graham Sayer | 2017-12-10 | Listen |
The Son of God | Mark 15:33-47 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-12-03 | Listen |
Fit for a King | Mark 15:1-32 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-11-26 | Listen |
Truth Under Pressure | Mark 14:53-72 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-11-19 | Listen |
We Don't Need Another Hero | Mark 14:1-11, 27-52 | The Servant King | Matt King | 2017-11-12 | Listen |
Understanding the Time | Mark 13 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-11-05 | Listen |
Cornerstone | Mark 12:1-12 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-10-29 | Listen |
An Unlucky Fig Tree | Mark 11:12-25 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-10-22 | Listen |
A Bold Entrance | Mark 11:1-11 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-10-15 | Listen |
No Fear | Psalm 46 | | Keith Vander Schoor | 2017-10-08 | Listen |
Jesus: All About People | Romans 16 | | Des Smith | 2017-10-01 | Listen |
A Recognisable Spirit | 1 John 4:1-6 | The Holy Spirit | Paul Kupke | 2017-09-24 | Listen |
The Holy Spirit: A Generous Spirit + Q&A | 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 | The Holy Spirit | Des Smith | 2017-09-17 | Listen |
The Holy Spirit: A Holy Spirit | Galatians 5:13-26 | The Holy Spirit | Des Smith | 2017-09-10 | Listen |
The Holy Spirit: A Creative Spirit | Matt 28:16-20; Psalms 104:27-30; Titus 3:3-7 | The Holy Spirit | Des Smith | 2017-09-03 | Listen |
The Cross: Power to Serve | Mark 10:32-45 | The Servant King | Des Smith | 2017-08-27 | Listen |
The Cross: bad news for good people | Mark 9:30-50 & 10:13-31 | The Servant King | Des Smith | 2017-08-20 | Listen |
The Cross: good news that's hard to hear | Mark 9 | The Servant King | Des Smith | 2017-08-13 | Listen |
To The Glory of God Alone | Isaiah 45:5-9; Romans 11:33-36 | The Reformation | Des Smith | 2017-08-06 | Listen |
In Christ Alone | Hebrews 9 | The Reformation | Des Smith | 2017-07-30 | Listen |
By Scripture Alone | Psalm 19, 2 Timothy 3:10-17 | The Reformation | Paul Kupke | 2017-07-23 | Listen |
By Grace Alone | Ephesians 2:1-10 | The Reformation | Paul Kupke | 2017-07-16 | Listen |
By Faith Alone | Romans 3:9-31 | The Reformation | Paul Kupke | 2017-07-09 | Listen |
Death Under the Sun | Eccl 11:7-12:8, 1 Cor 15:19-28 | Under the Sun | Des Smith | 2017-07-02 | Listen |
Justice Under the Sun | Ecclesiastes 8:2-17; Matthew 26:6-13 | Under the Sun | Des Smith | 2017-06-25 | Listen |
Wisdom Under the Sun | Ecclesiastes 7:1-8:1 & 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 | Under the Sun | Des Smith | 2017-06-18 | Listen |
Money Under the Sun | Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12; 1 Timothy 6:6-10 | Under the Sun | Des Smith | 2017-06-11 | Listen |
Time under the Sun | Ecc 3, 1 Cor 7:29-31 | Under the Sun | Des Smith | 2017-06-04 | Listen |
Work under the Sun | Ecc 2 | Under the Sun | Des Smith | 2017-05-28 | Listen |
Life under the Sun | Ecc 1, 12:9-14 | Under the Sun | Des Smith | 2017-05-21 | Listen |
Showing Up For One Another | Hebrews 10:19-25 | Showing Up | Paul Kupke | 2017-05-14 | Listen |
Showing Up For your Own Sake | 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Acts 17:10-15 | Showing Up | Des Smith | 2017-05-07 | Listen |
For God's Glory | Ephesians 2:12-22; Ephesians 3:14-21 | Showing Up | Paul Kupke | 2017-04-30 | Listen |
The King must Die | Is 52:13- 53:6, Mark 8:22-33 | The Servant King | Des Smith | 2017-04-23 | Listen |
Capturing God: Embodied | Luke 24:36-49, 1 Co 15:20-26 | Easter Services | Des Smith | 2017-04-16 | Listen |
Capturing God: Forsaken | Mark 15:33-39 | Easter Services | Paul Kupke | 2017-04-14 | Listen |
Early Easter: On the Hunt for Jesus | Mark 15:33-16:8 | Easter Services | Paul Kupke | 2017-04-09 | Listen |
Unclean | Mark 7:1-23 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-04-02 | Listen |
Faith in Christ and the Fear of Death | Mark 5:21-43 | The Servant King | Des Smith | 2017-03-26 | Listen |
Listen! | Mark 4:1-34 | The Servant King | Des Smith | 2017-03-19 | Listen |
Jesus' Family | Mark 3:13-35 | The Servant King | Des Smith | 2017-03-12 | Listen |
Reality Bites | Mark 2:13-3:12 | The Servant King | Keith Vander Schoor | 2017-03-05 | Listen |
One with Authority | Mark 1 and 2 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-02-26 | Listen |
A Gracious and Compassionate God | Jonah 4 | | Andrew Maskell | 2017-02-19 | Listen |
Inside Information | Mark 1:1-15 | The Servant King | Paul Kupke | 2017-02-12 | Listen |
Vision Sunday 2017 | Revelation 2:1-7 | Vision Sunday | Des Smith | 2017-02-05 | Listen |
Whatever You Do...Work for the Lord | Phil 2:1-11, Col 3:12-4:1 | | Hans Kelder | 2017-01-29 | Listen |
Does the Lord Get What He Wants | Mark 11:1-11; Revelation 1:19-2:7 | Guest Talks | Graham Sayer | 2017-01-22 | Listen |
Two Feasts | Revelations 19 | | Nic Rowcroft | 2017-01-15 | Listen |
The Lord's Love Lasts | Malachi 1 & Romans 9:1-24 | | Bernard Cane | 2017-01-08 | Listen |
Always Thankful | Philippians 1:1-11 | | Des Smith | 2017-01-01 | Listen |
So This is Christmas: Let's hope it's a Good One, Without Fear | Luke 2:1-20 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2016-12-25 | Listen |
Another Year Over, A New One Just Begun | Luke 1:39-56 Isaiah 9:1-7 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2016-12-18 | Listen |
So This Is Christmas - And What Have You Done | Isaiah 1:26-38 & Phil 3:1-14 | | Des Smith | 2016-12-11 | Listen |
Happily Ever After? | Isaiah 65:1-3a, 17-25; Revelation 21:1-8 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Paul Kupke | 2016-12-04 | Listen |
The Happiest Place on Earth | Isaiah 60 Luke 4:16-21 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-11-27 | Listen |
A God of Second Chances | Isaiah 56:1-8 Acts 8:26-35 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-11-20 | Listen |
Thirsty | Isaiah 55 & John 7:37-44 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Paul Kupke | 2016-11-13 | Listen |
Yes, He Can | Isaiah 52:13-53:12; 1 Peter 2:21-25 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-11-06 | Listen |
Radical Reform - Murray Capill | 2 Kings 22 | | Murray Capill | 2016-10-30 | Listen |
To The Ends of The Earth | Isaiah 49:1-13 Acts 13:42-48 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-10-30 | Listen |
Comfort! Comfort! | Isaiah 40:1-11 & 42:1-9 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-10-16 | Listen |
What Are You Basing Your Confidence On? | Isaiah 36; Hebrews 10:19-25 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-10-09 | Listen |
Needing Rescue | Isaiah 29:1-14 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Paul Kupke | 2016-10-02 | Listen |
Tale of Two Cities - Spoiler Alert | Isaiah 24:1-6 25:6-10 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Paul Kupke | 2016-09-25 | Listen |
Church: Family | 1 Tim 5:1-7 & Matt 12:46-50 | The Church | Des Smith | 2016-09-18 | Listen |
Church: Temple | 1 Chronicles 29:1-22a Ephesians 2:19-22 | The Church | Des Smith | 2016-09-11 | Listen |
Church: Gathering | Hebrews 12:18-24 10:19-25 | The Church | Des Smith | 2016-09-04 | Listen |
Church: Nation | Eph 2:11-22 | The Church | Des Smith | 2016-08-28 | Listen |
Church: Kingdom | Matthew 4:12-17, 16:13-20 | The Church | Paul Kupke | 2016-08-21 | Listen |
Can of Worms: Climate Change and Q&A | Genesis 1:27-31 | Can of Worms | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2016-08-14 | Listen |
Can of Worms: Refugees and Q&A | Zech 7:8-10 and 2 Cor 8:8-15 | Can of Worms | Paul Kupke | 2016-08-07 | Listen |
Can of Worms - Same-Sex Marriage Q & A | | Can of Worms | Des Smith & Tom Pugh | 2016-07-31 | Listen |
Can of Worms - Same-Sex Marriage | Matthew 19 | Can of Worms | Des Smith | 2016-07-31 | Listen |
Can of Worms | Philippians 1:1-11 | Can of Worms | Des Smith | 2016-07-24 | Listen |
Are You Ready to Meet Your Maker? | Luke 12:13-21 | Guest Talks | Pete Woodcock | 2016-07-17 | Listen |
Suffering, then Glory | 1 Peter 5 | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Des Smith | 2016-07-10 | Listen |
Surprise, Surprise | 1 Peter 4:12-19 | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2016-07-03 | Listen |
The Rest of Your Life | 2016-06-26 - Paul Kupke - The Rest of Your Life | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Paul Kupke | 2016-06-26 | Listen |
Salty People | 1 Peter 3:8-22; Isaiah 8:11-14 | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Paul Kupke | 2016-06-19 | Listen |
Married for the Gospel | 1 Peter 3:1-7 | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Des Smith | 2016-06-12 | Listen |
In His Steps | 1 Peter 2:18-25 | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Paul Kupke | 2016-06-05 | Listen |
Seperate But Attractive | 2016-05-29 - Paul Mathews - Seperate But Attractive | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Paul Mathews | 2016-05-29 | Listen |
God's Building | 1 Peter 2:4-10 | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Keith Vander Schoor | 2016-05-22 | Listen |
Useful in a Whole New Way | Philemon | Guest Talks | Murray Capill | 2016-05-15 | Listen |
Be Yourself | 1 Peter 1:13-2:3 | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Paul Kupke | 2016-05-08 | Listen |
Perfect Strangers | 1 Peter 1:1-12 | Perfect Strangers: 1 Peter | Des Smith | 2016-05-01 | Listen |
Saving Faith | Galations 2:15-16; Ephesians 2:4-10 | Guest Talks | Edgar Meyer | 2016-04-24 | Listen |
The Dark Side of Sex | Song of Songs 5:7-16, 8:5-7 | Good Sex: Song of Songs | Des Smith | 2016-04-17 | Listen |
Good Sex | Song of songs 4:1 - 5:1 | Good Sex: Song of Songs | Des Smith | 2016-04-10 | Listen |
A Doomed Cause | Isaiah 21-23 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Paul Kupke | 2016-04-03 | Listen |
When Hope Dies | Luke 24 | Easter Services | Paul Kupke | 2016-03-27 | Listen |
Good Friday - Giving up Guilt for Lent | John 3:16 | Easter Services | Des Smith | 2016-03-25 | Listen |
The Hope of Nations | Isaiah 13-20 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-03-20 | Listen |
The God of human history | Isaiah 9:8-12:6 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Paul Kupke | 2016-03-13 | Listen |
A Know-it-alls guide to Sacrifice | 1 Corinthians 8 | Guest Talks | Dan Shepheard | 2016-03-06 | Listen |
God with Us | Isaiah 7:1-9:6 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-02-28 | Listen |
Holy, Holy, Holy | Isaiah 5-6 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Paul Kupke | 2016-02-21 | Listen |
The Problem with Pride | Isaiah 2:5-4:6 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-02-14 | Listen |
A Tale of Two Cities | Isiah 1:1- 2:4 | A Tale of Two Cities: the book of Isaiah | Des Smith | 2016-02-07 | Listen |
Vision Sunday 2016 | Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20 | Vision Sunday | Des Smith | 2016-01-31 | Listen |
Foregiveness | Psalm 130 - Matthew 18:21-35 | Guest Talks | - Bernie Cane - | 2016-01-24 | Listen |
What do Christians believe | Romans 3:21-25 | Guest Talks | Dan Headly | 2016-01-17 | Listen |
Godly Leadership | Psalm 101 | Guest Talks | Christo Swart | 2016-01-10 | Listen |
By Prayer Only | Mark 9:14-29 | Guest Talks | Graham Sayer | 2016-01-03 | Listen |
Enduring Love | Psalm 107 | Christmas | Des Smith | 2015-12-27 | Listen |
O come let us.... | Matthew 2:1-12 | Christmas | Des Smith | 2015-12-25 | Listen |
Why Hospitality is Divine | Luke 2:1-7: 14:1`5-24 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2015-12-20 | Listen |
Coping with Commercialism | Luke 12:13-21 | Christmas | Keith Van Der Schoor | 2015-12-13 | Listen |
Like Santa, Love Jesus - Carols Service Sermon | Mark 10:13-16 | Christmas | Des Smith | 2015-12-11 | Listen |
Dealing with Family | John 1:1-18 | Christmas | Des Smith | 2015-12-06 | Listen |
Taking Our Anxieties to God | Luke 10:38-42 | Christmas | Paul Kupke | 2015-11-29 | Listen |
Gospel Teamwork | Romans 16 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-11-22 | Listen |
Gospel Triage | Romans 15:14-33 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-11-15 | Listen |
Free to Serve | Romans 14:1-15:13 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-11-08 | Listen |
All You Need is Love....Again | Romans 13:8-14 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-11-01 | Listen |
Love your government | Romans 13:1-7 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-10-25 | Listen |
Brave Conversations: Who's talking to your children about Sex? 18+ recommended. Contains sexual content. | | Guest Talks | Patricia Weerakoon | 2015-10-20 | Listen |
All You Need is Love | Romans 12:9-21 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Paul Kupke | 2015-10-18 | Listen |
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes | Romans 12:3-8 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Paul Kupke | 2015-10-11 | Listen |
True Worship | Romans 12:1-2 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-10-04 | Listen |
The End of Suffering | Job 42 | The Eye of the Storm | Paul Kupke | 2015-09-27 | Listen |
When it doesn't make sense | Job 29-41 | The Eye of the Storm | Paul Kupke | 2015-09-20 | Listen |
Church Membership | Matthew 6:1-20 | General | Des Smith | 2015-09-13 | Listen |
Wisdom in Deep Places | Job 28 | The Eye of the Storm | Des Smith | 2015-09-06 | Listen |
When Bad Things Happen to Good People | Job 3-27 | The Eye of the Storm | Des Smith | 2015-08-30 | Listen |
The Bread of Life | John 6:1-27 | Guest Talks | Mikey Lynch | 2015-08-23 | Listen |
True Love Or Chocolate | Job 1,2 | The Eye of the Storm | Paul Kupke | 2015-08-16 | Listen |
Amazing Grace | Luke 23:32-43 | Grace: Everything is a Gift | Keith Vander Schoor | 2015-08-09 | Listen |
Forgiveness | Romans 3:21-26 | Grace: Everything is a Gift | Des Smith | 2015-08-02 | Listen |
Grace and Obedience | Ephesians 2:1-10 | Grace: Everything is a Gift | Des Smith | 2015-07-26 | Listen |
Held by God | Eph 1:11-14, Heb 3:12-14, Jude 20-25 | Grace: Everything is a Gift | Paul Kupke | 2015-07-19 | Listen |
Common Grace | Acts 17:16-34 | Grace: Everything is a Gift | Des Smith | 2015-07-05 | Listen |
What Will Happen to The Jews? | Romans 11 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-06-28 | Listen |
The Word About Christ | Romans 9:30 - 10:21 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Paul Kupke | 2015-06-21 | Listen |
Let God Be God | Romans 9:1-29 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-06-14 | Listen |
Truly Alive | Romans 8 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Paul Kupke | 2015-06-07 | Listen |
Free from Sin, But Not from Struggle | Romans 7 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-05-31 | Listen |
Freedom from sin | Romans 6 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-05-24 | Listen |
Who Should I Marry? | Genesis 2:18-25 and Ephesians 5:21-33 | Guidance and the Voice of God | Des Smith | 2015-05-17 | Listen |
What Job Should I Get? | Genesis 2:4-25 | Guidance and the Voice of God | Des Smith | 2015-05-10 | Listen |
How does God guide? | Hebrews 1:1-4 and 2 Timothy 3:10-14 | Guidance and the Voice of God | Des Smith | 2015-05-03 | Listen |
Does God Guide | Jeremiah 29:10-14 and Romans 8:28,29 | Guidance and the Voice of God | Des Smith | 2015-04-26 | Listen |
Who's Your Representative? | Romans 5:12-21 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Keith Vander Schoor | 2015-04-19 | Listen |
Unshakable Hope | Romans 5:1-11 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Paul Kupke | 2015-04-12 | Listen |
Vain Belief | 1 Corinthians 15:1-20 | Easter Services | Paul Kupke | 2015-04-05 | Listen |
Jesus Christ: Victim or Victor | Romans 5:6-8 | Good Fridays | Des Smith | 2015-04-03 | Listen |
A Gift not a Wage | Romans 3:27-4:25 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Paul Kupke | 2015-03-29 | Listen |
But | Romans 3:21-26 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-03-22 | Listen |
Seeing is Not Believing | John 4:43-54 | General | Dan Shepheard | 2015-03-15 | Listen |
No Advantage | Romans 3:1-20 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Paul Kupke | 2015-03-08 | Listen |
How to Fake It as a Christian | Romans 2:17-29 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-03-01 | Listen |
So You Think You Can Judge | Romans 2:1-16 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Keith Vander Schoor | 2015-02-22 | Listen |
Innocent or Ignorant? | Romans 1:18-32 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Paul Kupke | 2015-02-15 | Listen |
The Best News You've Ever Heard | Romans 1:1-17 | A Court Room Drama: Romans | Des Smith | 2015-02-08 | Listen |
Vision Sunday 2015 | Romans 8:18-30 | Vision Sunday | Des Smith | 2015-02-01 | Listen |
The Coronation of God's King | Psalm 2 | Psalms | Nic Rowcroft | 2015-01-25 | Listen |
Power and Perishing | Psalm 116 | Psalms | Bernie Cane | 2015-01-18 | Listen |
The Joy of the Pilgrimage | Psalm 84 | Psalms | Isaac Lee | 2015-01-11 | Listen |
Psalm 10 | Psalm 10 | Psalms | Dave Lynch | 2015-01-04 | Listen |
Overflowing in Thankfulness | Colossians 2:6-15 | General | Matt King | 2014-12-28 | Listen |
Jesus Grew Up | Luke 2:22-40 | Christmas | Des Smith | 2014-12-25 | Listen |
The King is Dead | 1 Sam 31 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-12-21 | Listen |
David's Dark Night of the Soul | 1 Samuel 27-30 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-12-14 | Listen |
The Patient Christ | 1 Samuel 24-26 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-12-07 | Listen |
The Christ Must Suffer | 1 Samuel 21-23 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-11-30 | Listen |
Game of Thrones | 1 Samuel 20 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-11-23 | Listen |
Success Story | 1 Samuel 18-19 | God Will Have His King | Keith Vander Schoor | 2014-11-16 | Listen |
David and Goliath | 1 Samuel 17 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-11-09 | Listen |
A Most Unlikely Leader | 1 Samuel 16 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-11-02 | Listen |
Members | | Church Leadership | Des Smith | 2014-10-26 | Listen |
In Defense of Denominations | Romans 14:1-12 | General | Des Smith | 2014-10-26 | Listen |
Leaders | | Church Leadership | Des Smith | 2014-10-19 | Listen |
New Creation | Rev 21:1-8 | God's Big Picture | Des Smith | 2014-10-12 | Listen |
Overlap of the Ages | Acts 1:1-11 | God's Big Picture | Keith Vander Schoor | 2014-10-05 | Listen |
Jesus | Deut 20:10-18 , Rom 3:21-26 | God's Big Picture | Des Smith | 2014-09-28 | Listen |
Exile | Jer 31:31-34 & Lk 2:25-32 | God's Big Picture | Des Smith | 2014-09-21 | Listen |
A Name You Can Trust | Ps 9:7-10 & Ex 3:10-16 | General | Paul Kupke | 2014-09-14 | Listen |
Land and Kingdom | 2 Sam 7:1-17 & Acts 2:22-36 | God's Big Picture | Des Smith | 2014-09-07 | Listen |
Hope Before Us, Help Within Us | Romans 5:1-5, 8:18-39, 15:13 | General | Bill Bosker | 2014-08-31 | Listen |
What if I stumble? | Exodus 34:1-9 | General | Paul Kupke | 2014-08-24 | Listen |
Exodus and Law | Heb 9:11-15 & Ex 5:22-6:8 | God's Big Picture | Des Smith | 2014-08-17 | Listen |
A Life Built on God's Word | 2 Tim 3:1-17 | General | Rohan Pieris | 2014-08-10 | Listen |
Abraham | Gen 12:1-9, Gal 3:6-14 | God's Big Picture | Des Smith | 2014-08-03 | Listen |
Creation and Fall | Gen 2:4-3:7 & Col 1:15-20 | God's Big Picture | Des Smith | 2014-07-27 | Listen |
Healed at Last | James 5:13-20 | A Faith That Works: James | Des Smith | 2014-07-20 | Listen |
Living in the Light of the End | James 5:7-12 | A Faith That Works: James | Bill Bosker | 2014-07-13 | Listen |
Control Freaks | James 4:13-5:6 | A Faith That Works: James | Keith Vander Schoor | 2014-07-06 | Listen |
Who's Your Best Friend? | James 4:4-12 | A Faith That Works: James | Des Smith | 2014-06-29 | Listen |
True Wisdom | James 3:13-4:3 | A Faith That Works: James | Matt King | 2014-06-22 | Listen |
Managing Your Mouth | James 3:1-12 | A Faith That Works: James | Bill Bosker | 2014-06-15 | Listen |
A Faith That Works | James 2:14-26 | A Faith That Works: James | Des Smith | 2014-06-08 | Listen |
Playing Favourites | James 2:1-13 | A Faith That Works: James | Des Smith | 2014-06-01 | Listen |
Accept the Word Planted in You | James 1:19-27 | A Faith That Works: James | Des Smith | 2014-05-25 | Listen |
Growing Pains | James 1:1-18 | A Faith That Works: James | Des Smith | 2014-05-18 | Listen |
How to Rest Well | Exodus 20:8-11 & Mark 2:23-3:6 | Work, Rest & Play | Des Smith | 2014-05-11 | Listen |
The Dark Side of Work | Ecclesiastes 2 | Work, Rest & Play | Des Smith | 2014-05-04 | Listen |
The Goodness of Work | Genesis 1:1 - 2:2 | Work, Rest & Play | Des Smith | 2014-04-27 | Listen |
A Second Chance at Life | John 20 | Easter Services | Des Smith | 2014-04-20 | Listen |
Famous Last Words | John 19:17-30 | Good Fridays | Bill Bosker | 2014-04-18 | Listen |
God Destroys His Enemies | 1 Samuel 15:1-3 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-04-13 | Listen |
God Rejects His King | 1 Samuel 15:4-35 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-04-13 | Listen |
Genuine Faith | 1 Samuel 13-14 | God Will Have His King | Keith Vander Schoor | 2014-04-06 | Listen |
The United Kingdom | 1 Samuel 11-12 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-03-30 | Listen |
God's King | 1 Samuel 9-10 | God Will Have His King | Keith Vander Schoor | 2014-03-23 | Listen |
Israel Will Have Its King | 1 Samuel 8 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-03-16 | Listen |
True Repentance | 1 Samuel 7:2-17 | God Will Have His King | Bill Bosker | 2014-03-09 | Listen |
Raiders of the lost ark | 1 Samuel 4:1b-7:1 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-03-02 | Listen |
On speaking terms with God | 1 Samuel 3:1-4:1a | God Will Have His King | Bill Bosker | 2014-02-23 | Listen |
Honour God | 1 Samuel 2:11-36 | God Will Have His King | Keith Vander Schoor | 2014-02-16 | Listen |
God Will Have His King | 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10 | God Will Have His King | Des Smith | 2014-02-09 | Listen |
Vision Sunday 2014 | Matthew 28:17-20; Ephesians 3:1-13 | Vision Sunday | Des Smith | 2014-02-02 | Listen |
Pray and Wait | Ps 130 | Psalms | Hans Kelder | 2014-01-26 | Listen |
Confession Is Good for The Soul | Ps 32 | Psalms | Bill Bosker | 2014-01-19 | Listen |
Help! | Ps 121 | Psalms | Des Smith | 2014-01-12 | Listen |
Down But Not Out | Ps 42 | Psalms | Graham Sayer | 2014-01-05 | Listen |
Thanksgiving | Philemon 1:1-7; Ezra 3:8-13 | General | Matt King | 2013-12-29 | Listen |
God Becomes Human | Micah 5:1-4; Isaiah 60:1-3; Luke 2:1-20; John 1:1-18 | Christmas | Bill Bosker | 2013-12-25 | Listen |
Humans Are . . . Immortal | Genesis 3:14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 | Being Human: The Doctrine of Man | Bill Bosker | 2013-12-22 | Listen |
Humans Are . . . Sinful | Genesis 3:1-13; Colossians 1:15-23 | Being Human: The Doctrine of Man | Des Smith | 2013-12-15 | Listen |
Humans Are . . . Made Male and Female | Genesis 2:18-25; Colossians 1:15-23 | Being Human: The Doctrine of Man | Des Smith | 2013-12-08 | Listen |
Humans Are . . . Made in the Image of God | Genesis 1:26-31; Colossians 1:15-23 | Being Human: The Doctrine of Man | Des Smith | 2013-12-01 | Listen |
Wise Fun | John 16:17-24; Proverbs 8:12, 22-36 | The Beginning of Wisdom: Proverbs | Des Smith | 2013-11-24 | Listen |
Wise Friendship | 2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Proverbs 18:24 | The Beginning of Wisdom: Proverbs | Des Smith | 2013-11-17 | Listen |
Wise Planning | Proverbs | The Beginning of Wisdom: Proverbs | Des Smith | 2013-11-10 | Listen |
Wise Discipline | Proverbs 3:1-12; Hebrews 12:4-11 | The Beginning of Wisdom: Proverbs | Murray Capill | 2013-11-03 | Listen |
Wise Temperament | Ephesians 4:17-32; Proverbs 14:29, 15:1, 15:18, 16:32, 19:11, 30:33 | The Beginning of Wisdom: Proverbs | Bill Bosker | 2013-10-27 | Listen |
The Beginning of Wisdom | Proverbs 1:1-7; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 | The Beginning of Wisdom: Proverbs | Des Smith | 2013-10-20 | Listen |
Apocalypse Now | 2 Timothy 3:14-17; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 | Is There Anybody Out There? The Doctrine of Revelation | Des Smith | 2013-10-13 | Listen |
The Book That Speaks | Hebrews 3:7-19 | Is There Anybody Out There? The Doctrine of Revelation | Des Smith | 2013-10-06 | Listen |
The God Who Speaks | Acts 17:16-34 | Is There Anybody Out There? The Doctrine of Revelation | Des Smith | 2013-09-29 | Listen |
The World That Speaks | Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:18-20 | Is There Anybody Out There? The Doctrine of Revelation | Des Smith | 2013-09-22 | Listen |
True Worship | Heb 13 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-09-08 | Listen |
The Perfect Church | Heb 12:18-29 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-09-01 | Listen |
Looking for a Leader | | General | Des Smith | 2013-08-25 | Listen |
A Better Resurrection | Heb 11:1-12:2 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-08-18 | Listen |
A Better Confidence | Heb 10:19-39 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-08-11 | Listen |
Perfect Sacrifice, Perfect Priest | Heb 10:1-18 | Better: Hebrews | Bill Bosker | 2013-08-04 | Listen |
A Better Sacrifice | Heb 9 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-07-28 | Listen |
How to Vote: The Economy | | How to Vote | Des Smith | 2013-07-21 | Listen |
How to Vote: Church and State | | How to Vote | Des Smith | 2013-07-14 | Listen |
How to Vote: Government | | How to Vote | Des Smith | 2013-07-07 | Listen |
The New Testament | Heb 8 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-06-30 | Listen |
Better Priest, Better Hope | Heb 7 | Better: Hebrews | Bill Bosker | 2013-06-23 | Listen |
Due Dilligence | Heb 5:11-6:20 | Better: Hebrews | Bill Bosker | 2013-06-16 | Listen |
The Best of Both Worlds | Heb 4:14-5:10 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-06-09 | Listen |
Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus | Heb 3 | Better: Hebrews | Bill Bosker | 2013-05-26 | Listen |
The Glorious Sons | Heb 2:5-18 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-05-19 | Listen |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Heb 1:5-2:4 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-05-12 | Listen |
The Last Word | Heb 1:1-4 | Better: Hebrews | Des Smith | 2013-05-05 | Listen |
Promoting the Gospel 5 - Money & Prayer | Phillipians 4:14-18; Matthew 9:35-38 | Promoting the Gospel | Des Smith | 2013-04-28 | Listen |
Promoting the Gospel 3 - Public Worship & Answering Questions | 1 Kings 8:41-43; 1 Corinthians 14:23-25; 1 Peter 3:13-16; Colossians 4:2-6 | Promoting the Gospel | Des Smth | 2013-04-14 | Listen |
He Is Risen. Does It Matter? | John 11:11-26, 20:1-10, 20:24-31 | Easter Services | Bill Bosker | 2013-03-31 | Listen |
The King and The Thief | Luke 22:66-23:43 | Good Fridays | Des Smith | 2013-03-29 | Listen |
Promoting the Gospel 2 - Evangelists | Acts 8:4-8, 8:26-40; Ephesians 4:7-13 | Promoting the Gospel | Bill Bosker | 2013-03-24 | Listen |
Promoting The Gospel 1 - What is the Gospel and Why Promote it? | Psalm 96, Matt 28:16-20 | Promoting the Gospel | Des Smith | 2013-03-17 | Listen |
Eager Expectation | 1 Th 4:13-5:11 | The End of the World as We Know It: 1 Thessalonians | Des Smith | 2013-03-03 | Listen |
Authoritative Instruction | 1 Th 4:1-12 | The End of the World as We Know It: 1 Thessalonians | Des Smith | 2013-02-24 | Listen |
Caring for People | 1 Th 2:17-3:13 | The End of the World as We Know It: 1 Thessalonians | Bill Bosker | 2013-02-17 | Listen |
Effective Evangelism | 1 Th 2:1-16 | The End of the World as We Know It: 1 Thessalonians | Des Smith | 2013-02-10 | Listen |
Genuine Imitation | 1 Th 1 | The End of the World as We Know It: 1 Thessalonians | Des Smith | 2013-02-03 | Listen |
Peace on Earth | Luke 2:8-20 | Christmas | Des Smith | 2012-12-25 | Listen |
I've Been to The Mountain Top | Dt 31-34 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-12-23 | Listen |
Choose Life | Dt 29-30 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-12-16 | Listen |
The Freedom Paradox | Dt 27-28 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-12-09 | Listen |
Love Your Spouse As Yourself | Dt 22:13-23:18 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-11-11 | Listen |
Love Your Enemy as Yourself | Dt 19:1-22:12 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-11-04 | Listen |
Love Your Government as Yourself | Dt 16:18-18:22 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-10-28 | Listen |
Love The Lord Your God with All Your . . . Cutlery And Calendars' | Dt 14:1-16:17 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-10-21 | Listen |
The Temptations of Christ | Hebrews 2:14-18; Matthew 3:13-17 | General | Bill Bosker | 2012-10-14 | Listen |
Creation: Why | | In The Beginning: The Doctrine of Creation | Des Smith | 2012-09-30 | Listen |
Creation: What | | In The Beginning: The Doctrine of Creation | Nic Rowcroft | 2012-09-23 | Listen |
Creation: Who | | In The Beginning: The Doctrine of Creation | Des Smith | 2012-09-16 | Listen |
In The Beginning | Genesis 1:1-2:3 | | Des Smith | 2012-09-16 | Listen |
After You | Eph 5:22-6:9 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Phil Price | 2012-08-26 | Listen |
Alternative Lifestyles | Eph 4:17-5:21 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Des Smith | 2012-08-19 | Listen |
Unity, Diversity, Maturity | Eph 4:1-16 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Des Smith | 2012-08-12 | Listen |
Get Powerful | Eph 3:14-21 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Des Smith | 2012-08-05 | Listen |
Mysterious Ways | Eph 3:1-13 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Des Smith | 2012-07-29 | Listen |
War and Peace | Eph 2:11-22 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Des Smith | 2012-07-22 | Listen |
Dead or Alive | Eph 2:1-10 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Des Smith | 2012-07-15 | Listen |
Be A Know It All | Eph 1:1-23 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Des Smith | 2012-07-08 | Listen |
The State of the Union | Eph 1:1-14 | The State of the Union: Ephesians | Des Smith | 2012-07-01 | Listen |
The Grace of Giving 2 | | The Grace of Giving | Bill Bosker | 2012-06-24 | Listen |
The Grace of Giving 1 | | The Grace of Giving | Des Smith | 2012-06-17 | Listen |
I Will Build My Church | | General | Des Smith | 2012-06-10 | Listen |
Des Smith's Ordination Sermon | | General | David Jones | 2012-06-03 | Listen |
The Trinity: The Spirit | | The Doctrine of the Trinity | Bill Bosker | 2012-05-27 | Listen |
The Trinity: The Son | | The Doctrine of the Trinity | Bill Bosker | 2012-05-20 | Listen |
The Trinity: The Father | | The Doctrine of the Trinity | Bill Bosker | 2012-05-13 | Listen |
The Trinity | | The Doctrine of the Trinity | Bill Bosker | 2012-05-06 | Listen |
Worship By The Book | Dt 12 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-04-29 | Listen |
A Circumcised Heart | Dt 10:12-11:32 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-04-22 | Listen |
The Evil Superhero | Dt 9:1-10:11 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-04-15 | Listen |
What a Wonderful World | | Easter Services | Des Smith | 2012-04-08 | Listen |
Follow The Signs | | Good Fridays | Bill Bosker | 2012-04-06 | Listen |
The Tiny Superpower | Dt 7-8 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-04-01 | Listen |
Free Love | Dt 4:44-6:25 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-03-25 | Listen |
Farewell Sermon | | General | Brian Vaatstra | 2012-03-18 | Listen |
Will The Real God Please Stand Up? | Dt 4:1-43 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-03-11 | Listen |
Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Dt 1-3 | Choose Life: Deuteronomy | Des Smith | 2012-03-04 | Listen |
Mission: Sunday Services | | Vision and Mission | Des Smith | 2012-02-26 | Listen |
Mission: Connect Groups | | Vision and Mission | Des Smith | 2012-02-19 | Listen |
Mission: Children and Youth | | Vision and Mission | Des Smith | 2012-02-12 | Listen |
The Church Vision | | Vision and Mission | Des Smith | 2012-02-05 | Listen |
A Challenge to Faith | Ps 14 | Psalms | Hans Kelder | 2012-01-29 | Listen |
More Than Mammals | Ps 8 | Psalms | Dave Lynch | 2012-01-01 | Listen |
The Born Identity | | Christmas | Des Smith | 2011-12-25 | Listen |
By Hook or by By Crook | Jn 21 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-12-18 | Listen |
The Death of Death | Jn 20 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-12-11 | Listen |
The Silence of the Lamb | Jn 19:16b-42 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-12-04 | Listen |
Thanksgiving to Thanksliving | | General | Bill Bosker | 2011-11-27 | Listen |
The Assassination of Jesus Christ by The Coward Pontius Pilate | Jn 18:1-19:16a | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-11-20 | Listen |
The Secret of Joy | | General | Steve Voorwinde | 2011-11-13 | Listen |
Return to Sender | Jn 17 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-11-06 | Listen |
Good Grief | Jn 16:5-33 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-10-30 | Listen |
The Grapes of Wrath | Jn 15:1-16:4 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-10-23 | Listen |
Keeping It in The Family: Church | | Keeping It in The Family: The Gospel and Famliy | Des Smith | 2011-10-16 | Listen |
Keeping It in The Family: Parents and Children | | Keeping It in The Family: The Gospel and Famliy | Des Smith | 2011-10-02 | Listen |
Keeping It in The Family: Wives | | Keeping It in The Family: The Gospel and Famliy | Des Smith | 2011-09-25 | Listen |
Keeping It in The Family: Husbands | | Keeping It in The Family: The Gospel and Famliy | Des Smith | 2011-09-18 | Listen |
No Need to Say Goodbye | Jn 14 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-09-11 | Listen |
The Second Traitor | Jn 13 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-09-04 | Listen |
The Motivation for Mercy | | Mercy Ministry | Bill Bosker | 2011-08-28 | Listen |
The Gospel and Our Neighbour | | Mercy Ministry | Bill Bosker | 2011-08-21 | Listen |
It's Time | Jn 11:55-12:50 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-08-14 | Listen |
Dead Man Walking | Jn 11:1-54 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-08-07 | Listen |
Seeing Is Believing | Jn 9 | Father and Son: John's Gospel | Des Smith | 2011-07-24 | |